Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Alice + Olivia

New York Fashion Week has come and gone, but the impressions the fall collections have made will last forever. I was even lucky enough to be in New York for the beginning of Fashion Week and got to see the Rebecca Minkoff show in person (will be posting on that later).

Lincoln Center was filled with fashionistas from the world over. Famous bloggers and lesser-known ones (ahem, myself), established fashion icons and celebrities alike all came together this week for a communal love of fashion. A momentous occasion, and I cannot explain how amazing it was to be there.

I was originally planning on making one post to show the collections I loved for Fall Ready To Wear, but realized it would probably take three hours to read the result of that. Instead, I will feature my favorite ones little by little. Today's collection of choice? Alice + Olivia.

Metallic pants? Yes please!

Fairy dress


This collection was pure gold, and I'm not just talking about all the precious metals that are heavily featured in it.  The looks are eclectic, fresh, and most decidedly feminine. Alice + Olivia really nailed it. With metallics, fur, lace, sparkles, etc. and inspiration from every decade from the 20s to the 70s, the result is a modern, urban look that pays homage to the glamour of the past. Especially in this day and age, where we don't restrict ourselves to one specific style, there is a look here for everyone. Stacy Bendet, I salute you. :)


  1. Alica + Olivia never disappoints. I love that gold sequin dress and that black and white floral, high-neck dress with the gray shawl cardigan and thigh-high socks outfit!


    Excellent posty, chica!

  2. i LOVE the fairy dress, and the second to last dress. so gorgeous. i agree with Sparkle. alice + olivia never disappoints! :)

    SWEATshirt DRESSshirt


  3. ♥Love your blog♥
